- Apply for the ICH National Inventory
- Apply for UNESCO recognition
- Participate in the national ICH inventory from Wikipedia
- We are interested in your opinion
Apply for the ICH National Inventory
The inclusion of an element in the national inventory of intangible cultural heritage is not a matter of law. It does not give entitlement to any subsidy. Requests for inclusion in the national ICH inventory are made to the Ministry of Culture.
According to Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention, the inventory is carried out for the purpose of safeguarding and developing scientific knowledge of ICH elements.
The making of the inventory is done in the form of spontaneous requests relating to a particular cultural practice. Proposals for inventory sheets are submitted to the Ethnological and Intangible Heritage Committee (CPEI) of the Ministry of Culture, which proposes and recommends to the Minister whether or not they should be included in the national inventory. . Candidates for this inclusion are notified by a written decision. They can then use the PCI emblem in France. For more information, consult the thematic website of the Ministry of Culture.
More information :
Criteria for inclusion in the inventory
Fiche-type d’inventaire du PCI
Vade mecum de la fiche d'inventaire
Apply for UNESCO recognition
Prior to any application for inscription with UNESCO, the practices must be included in the national inventory of ICH in France by the Ministry of Culture (DPRPS).
Candidatures for inclusion in the Unesco ICH lists must first be submitted to the Ministry of Culture.
⇒ Contact the Ministry of Culture
Participate in the national ICH inventory from Wikipedia
PciLab uses Wikipedia data to enrich the database useful for the search of inventory records. To do this, each practice inventoried by the Ministry of Culture must be able to match the data content specific to Wikipedia. If there is no inventory sheet or if you wish to complete the data relating to a practice, we invite you to join the Wikipedia community and, in turn, to enrich the free and collaborative encyclopedia. You can also participate on Wikipedia in French languages, such as Wikipedia breton, corse, occitan, etc.
To take your first steps (put the link on "first steps"), you will find all the necessary elements for your contribution to Wikipedia below.
More information :
Intangible Cultural Heritage Portal
Download the tutorial
We are interested in your opinion
Tell us what you think of PciLab.
All your comments and suggestions are welcome.